D:\data dari internet\dari blog\december2006_files\dec06lettoandkevin.jpgWhen I heard the song, “Sebelum cahaya” firstly, the song sliced into my heart like a razor-sharp blade of bamboo. The song is very very wonderful and contain of philosophical value in there. You know, my tears streamed down and made my cheek were wet. I don’t know why it can be happened. I tried to comprehend fully of the lyrics and I found the true love. It’s very beautiful lyrics that I ever heard. So, I asked to my friend who has been sung it. Oh…They are “Letto”.

Actually, not only “Sebelum Cahaya” but also all of their song are wonderful. They are different from other band. Every lyric of their songs is different and the music instruments are good and unique. I didn’t found it before. After that, I observed all of the personnel of the group band. Noe, Dedi, Arian and Patub are the four members of Letto. This band is from Jogjakarta. They are young and highly educated.

Noe, lead singer of the group, Alberta University in Edmonton, Canada for five years and it was there that he graduated with a Bachelor of Science with majors in Math and Physics. Patub is also university graduate majoring in agriculture. Dedi is currently studying at Universitas Muhammadiyah Jogjakarta. Wow….. great!!!

All their own song that collected in CD ‘Truth, Cry and Lie’ inspired me to understand my live and my creator, God. I found my real and true love, the beautiful love, is to my God. This love is unusual like the love of men and women, but more it more. The love is like thunderbolt attack my heart, the big love. I can’t to say it, and may be it could not be said. Does it ever happen to you?

Love is just happened every humans. Do you agree with me? Up to you, but I believed it. If you want to found it, the true love, you have to try and try and try until you found it. The light of love guides me to a true road. Until now, I don’t know what I found it. I will look for it and try it.


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